About Us

Go British, founded in 2009 by Claudia Marodim, has never been just an online store. It’s your connection to the best of Britain, from its famous brands to its skilled artisans. With stories and features that take you into the heart of the country, our relaunch, after an interlude during the pandemic, reaffirms our promise to bring you the best of British class and creativity.

We’re excited to share the rebirth of Go British, your essential guide to the British lifestyle. As your first stop for genuine British gifts, fashion, and insights, we’ve taken time to refresh and are now back, more passionate than ever, to offer an updated experience that celebrates the UK’s diverse and vibrant culture.

Our comeback is a complete reinvention. We’re focusing on the varied British lifestyle and all the events the UK is known for. From arts and sports to the latest in British fashion and lifestyle, we’re here to give you an insider’s view. Get ready for new content that will take you from London’s bustling streets to the peaceful countryside of the Cotswolds and more.

Contribute to the Go British Tapestry Is there a charming local boutique in your area that epitomises British craftsmanship? A cozy tearoom that offers a slice of serenity? Or perhaps a community event that vibrantly showcases local culture? We’re calling on you to share these treasures with us.

How to Share Your Recommendations: Simply contact us with your suggestions. Please include:

  • The name and location of the place/event
  • A brief description of why it’s special to you
  • Any personal stories or experiences that highlight its uniqueness

A Token of Our Gratitude: To thank you for your contributions, selected recommendations will be featured on the Go British website, crediting you as our local expert . This is your opportunity to showcase the best of your hometown to our global audience. Should you not want to be named please let us know.

We are excited to see Britain through your eyes and to share these discoveries with our wider community. Together, let’s create a tapestry of experiences that truly represents the diverse and rich culture of our nation.